social media, social media burn out, burn out, mental health, social media tips

It’s no secret that excessive social media use has a significant psychological toll. And for social media managers who are on it almost constantly, the toll is exponential. That is why it is important to take care of your mental health.

Keep an eye out for these signs to avoid going down that path.


9 signs of burnout

Recognising the warning signs of burnout, is one of the best methods to identify whether it’s time to re-evaluate your time on social media.

Burnout is most commonly triggered by work-related issues, but it can also manifest in other aspects of life, such as romantic relationships, parenthood, or a mix of these.

Nine key warning signs of burnout include:

  1. Fatigue and difficulty in staying focused and completing tasks
  2. Not finding your job fun or fulfilling anymore
  3. A sense of inadequacy when it comes to your ability to perform your job
  4. Having a hard time believing that you bring value to your work
  5. Feeling like you’re taking on more than you can realistically handle
  6. Cynicism and struggling with regulating your emotions
  7. Withdrawing from people or pushing them away
  8. Neglecting your needs often and making little time for yourself
  9. Losing your sense of self and often evaluating yourself critically


5 ways to battle burnout

If you’re experiencing signs of burnout or constant fatigue, it’s crucial to step away and recharge. Enduring and pushing through these feelings is counterproductive, and can lead to severe mental and physical health conditions.

Here are five ways to recharge when feeling burnt out or exhausted:

  1. Schedule frequent breaks in your calendar during work hours. For example, take a 10 minute break after every 50 minutes of focused work. Do some stretches or a guided meditation. The brain has a limited capacity for sustained attention, so pushing it past its limits will likely result in struggling to focus and stay efficient.
  2. Shake up your work routine. It could be as simple as taking a new route to work or going somewhere new for lunch. This jolts the brain out of autopilot, helps it refresh, and brings pockets of joy into your day.
  3. Keep a victory log in your phone or journal. A list of your wins can remind you of how far you’ve come and what you’re capable of, especially when you’re struggling to recognise your accomplishments or develop feelings of gratitude. It helps prevent cynicism and high self-criticism that often result from burnout
  4. Focus on deep connections. Socialising with people who lift you up and make you feel energised can be highly beneficial for mental health. It’s also a way to wind down and take a step back from work-related obligations. But remember, it matters who you socialise with, so say no to social interactions that pull from your energy.
  5. Get off the grid. Once you finish work, try to mindfully spend time away from the grid. Turn off notifications, get off your laptop, and resist the urge to respond to emails. Try to completely disengage and take time to focus on you and things that make you happy.


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